Nokia N95

  • Roman Rainstorm
    A collection of images taken with a Nokia N95 mobile phone. I typically take this cameraphone everywhere and have captured some unusual moments as a result. The phone is also capable of geotagging photographs which can then be added to (for example) google maps and/or google earth. Video capture at fairly reasonable frame rate is also possible. Some examples can be found on my youtube account - search for user digbum99 for examples.

Point and Shoot - Fujifilm A303

  • Dscf0001
    Photos taken with Fujifilm Finepix A303. This was my first digital camera. I like the soft focus lens and the colour repoduction
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Member since 05/2007


March 29, 2008


kiralık devremülkler

thank you. i love to read this type of information posts. again thank you...

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